Monday, June 6, 2011

Quit Smoking Now

Quitting has never been easier.? There are nicotine replacement therapies available for those who don't want to experience withdrawal and cravings and hypnosis and acupuncture are both very popular.? I started smoking 22 years ago and I wish I had never started, but don't we all wish that?? I finally gave up (for good) 8 months ago and it is going great.? I used three nicotine replacement products, one for the 'first cigarette of the day' and two others combined and I can honestly say that I didn't really experience major withdrawal or cravings.?

It is hard when you crave what your body is yearning for, but these cravings last mere minutes, if not seconds and before you know it, you have forgotten that you are missing smoking.? If you have attempted to quit smoking then you will know exactly what I am talking about.? Think about it, is it worth contracting these terminal diseases just because you had a craving for a smoke?? That is the big picture.

If you have been thinking about quitting smoking, I would say quit smoking now, there is no time like the present.? Just look at the benefits if you quit smoking now:
  • Your circulation returns to normal, blood pressure and pulse rate are lower
  • You no longer stink of smoke
  • Your lung efficiency will improve and breathing is better
  • Your senses of taste and smell improve and food tastes better
  • Your phlegmy cough disappears and you don't feel heavy in the chest any longer
  • Protect those around you as they no longer breathe secondhand smoke
  • Your children will not suffer from asthma or glue ear
  • Your energy levels and stamina increase
  • Your field of vision improves
  • Risks from diseases such as emphysema, heart attacks, vascular disease and cancer are reduced
  • Your emotions are returned to normal as you are no longer hooked on a habit
  • You reduce the risk of fertility problems, impotence, gum disease, tooth loss and osteoporosis
  • You are financially better off by ?1200 if you smoked 20 cigarettes a day
  • The way people perceive you improves
  • Reduce complications during pregnancy for those wanting a family
  • You will develop a sense of pride having kicked the habit
  • Your skin tone and colour of your teeth improve and whites of eyes are brighter
  • Your home and car will smell fresher
  • You reduce the risk of causing fire in the home
How can you not quit smoking now?? These are all very important reasons for quitting.? You are able to quit smoking now because if I can do it, then you can definitely do it too.? There are those that say 'but I really enjoy smoking'.? But what is there to enjoy, because the only reason why you want another cigarette is because your body is hooked and you can't do without it.? Is that a reason to continue??

You can quit smoking now, and avoid the many health problems that smoking brings, as well as save some money.? I wish you good luck.


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